What is Youth in Action?
Youth in Action: Summer Work Experience is a program that will provide students who have an intellectual disability the opportunity to find meaningful part-time employment opportunities in their communities! The goal is to provide students the opportunity to earn money during the summer, while adding valuable skills and experiences to their resume.
Students hired by local businesses will be paired with a student job coach, employed by Community Living Essex County. Their role will be to work alongside students and employers to mentor and guide them, ensuring they understand and complete all work related duties.
Why be a part of Youth in Action?
- Find out what it’s like to work with a team.
- Add skills and experience to your resume.
- Work alongside a job coach during your shifts.
- Earn money during the summer – and boost your confidence!
You can apply if:
- You are between 16 and 29 years old.
- You have a verified intellectual disability, confirmed through Developmental Services Ontario.
- You have transportation to and from your place of work.
- You have a Social Insurance Number and bank account for payroll deposits from the employer.
- You are motivated and interested in working during the summer break!
Complete and submit the full application by Thursday, April 17, 2025
Space is limited! Please look at the important dates below to ensure you are able to participate.
- Application Deadline April 17th, 2025
- Interview Week: May 5th to 9th
- Group 1: Job Preparation (tentatively scheduled) will be the week of May 25
- Group 2: Job Preparation (tentatively scheduled) will be July 2nd – July 4th from 9am to 2pm in Essex
PLEASE NOTE: Timelines are subject to change. Families will be notified of any changes by Derek Roy, Manager, CL Supports overseeing Career Compass.
Apply Online
To apply, applicants MUST:
1. Complete and submit the full application by Friday, April 17th, 2025
2. Be 16 – 29 years old
3. Have an intellectual disability (confirmed through Developmental Services Ontario)
4. Arrange their own transportation to and from work
5. Commit to the following:
• Completing an interview with the Career Compass team.
• Attend and participate in our job readiness training where students will engage in discussions about expectations in the workplace, appropriate behaviour at work, and problem solving.
• Adhering to and following a work schedule as determined and required by the employer.
6. Have a Social Insurance Number, and a bank account for payroll deposits from the employer.
7. Ensure time missed during work will be due to emergency situations or illness only.
Career Compass will make every effort to reach our goal of finding and matching each student participant to a summer job. If you have any questions regarding Youth in Action or require assistance filling out the application please contact Derek Roy, Manager Community Living Supports overseeing Career Compass at 519-776-6483 ext. 211 or droy@communitylivingessex.org.
The information gathered will be used to assist the Career Compass team in finding the best possible fit for summer work experience for the youth listed within this application. This information will be kept confidential. Students are encouraged to seek assistance to complete this application if needed.
Employers Looking for Summer Students
Are you an employer looking for summer students? We can help!
Why should my business be a part of Youth in Action?
- Provide a student with a summer job opportunity to add new skills and experiences to their resume.
- Have a student job coach on-site to mentor your student employee during their shifts.
- Have your business highlighted on our social media channels.
- Be a community leader in inclusive hiring!
To participate, employers must commit to:
- Hiring a student for a part time 6 week placement.
- Paying a student minimum wage.
- Allowing student job coaches to work alongside the student employee they are paired with.
How can my business get involved?
- Contact the Career Compass team at 519-776-6483, ext. 276 or by email at careercompass@communitylivingessex.org.
- A team member will contact you to get details on your business and the summer job opportunity.
- The Career Compass team will match a summer student’s interests and strengths to your job opportunity, ensuring the best possible fit!