APEX – Adapted Physical Exercise Research Group
Adapted Physical Exercise (APEX) Research Group is part of the University of Windsor, Faculty of Human Kinetics.
Our Mission:
“To enhance the lives of adults with disabilities through full inclusion in physical activity and sport.”

Our Purpose:
- To ensure inclusive, barrier-free participation in physical activity and sport for adults with disabilities by providing adapted physical exercise programming with the goal of enhancing overall health and quality of life.
- To use sport and physical activity as a vehicle for social change by showcasing the strengths of adults with disabilities in a physical activity and sport environment.
- To conduct research that contributes to the fields of adapted physical exercise, disability and sport, and sport for social change, as well as informs policy and practice for developmental services.
Since 2011, Community Living Essex County has been partnering with the Faculty of Human Kinetics and APEX to provide an inclusive, community based adapted physical exercise program. Our recent program, funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation called “Fit Together”, provided one-on-one fitness training at the University of Windsor’s fitness facility.
For more information, please contact: apex@uwindsor.ca or fit.together@communitylivingessex.org or visit http://www.uwindsor.ca/kinesiology/APEX.