Become a Member

Supporting over 700 children, youth and adults with an intellectual disability and their families since 1961.


A community that CELEBRATES inclusion and INSPIRES possibilities!


We are committed to supporting people with an intellectual disability to achieve their goals and dreams; empowering them to flourish as full citizens who are valued in their community.


Here’s a brief summary of each membership class, as per agency By-Law, Section 3: 

  • $10 each General Membership (voting member – Any individual except an employee of this or other local agencies)
  • $10 each Affiliated Membership (non-voting – Employees of CLEC, local, regional, provincial or national associations with which this agency is affiliated)
  • $150 Corporate Membership (non-voting – Any corporation which supports the goal, purposes and objectives of the agency)
  • Life Membership  (voting member – Bestowed by Board’s sole discretion to an individual who has contributed long and distinguished service to the Agency)
  • Honourary Life Membership(non-voting member – Bestowed by Board’s sole discretion to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the Agency)

Note: Membership fees shall be payable upon application for membership in the Agency and thereafter at least 21 days prior to the Annual Meeting of Members and any Special Meeting of Members.

Since 1961 Community Living Essex County, a not-for-profit charitable organization, has been committed to assisting people who have an intellectual disability and their families.

A unique and wonderful characteristic of our organization is its grass roots origin – families formed the Association and volunteer families continue to help influence our supports and services.

Past accomplishments, present successes, challenges and future goals have always been realized with broad support and involvement. We actively encourage and benefit from the input of family members, self advocates, volunteers, staff and community organizations and businesses.


A strong Community Living Essex County membership consists of people who believe in our philosophy, values, and mission – people who care about the work we do, outcomes for people we support and the future direction of our organization. Members can make a difference; influence the services we offer people in Essex County and be champions of inclusive practices and communities.


Member Benefits for General, Life, Honourary, Affiliated and Corporate Members

  • Voting rights (General and Life memberships only)
  • A welcome gift and identifying membership card.
  • Invitation to our Annual Meeting of Members in June
  • Corporate Member window cling
  • Members Only Quarterly Raffle Draw for CLEC branded clothing etc
  • Members Only CLEC discounts on event registration for Charity Golf Classic and Jingle Bell Run, Walk & Wheel
  • Members Only discounts on CLEC branded clothing
  • Corporate Members highlighted on CLEC public facing website.
  • Engraved acrylic plaque for display at your place of business (Corporate)

Membership Makes A Difference.

Help our membership grow and remember Community Living means citizenship, inclusion, belonging and opportunities for all people!