Supported Independent Living

Independent Living Unique to Each Person’s Needs

Individualized support for people who live on their own. Supports can be arranged to assist as often or as little as they are needed, depending on resources available.

What Supports are Provided?

Support is based on the needs of the person and can be provided on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. We help adults manage their medical, financial and active living needs, including:

  • Personal Health Management – Understanding health problems, finding a doctor or dentist, and understanding their medications.
  • Financial Management – Organizing and budgeting money and help with paying bills and rent.
  • Active Living – Recreation, leisure, relationships, life planning, meal preparation, and other daily needs. We can also help adults find living accommodations or move when their needs change.
Supported independent living

What are the Benefits?

  • Learn how to support themselves
  • Gain a sense of independence and responsibility
  • Increase self-esteem and self-awareness
  • Attain their personal goals
  • Broaden social circles

Need More Information?

Fill out this form and one of our managers will assist you with the process of accessing services.

Purchasing Supports & Services

If you have passport dollars or personal funds to purchase services please contact Shelbey Pillon at 519-776-6483 ext. 276 or